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Epsom Youth Athletic Association

Get Involved!

If you have a child enrolled in our organization, you are now an official member of EYAA. This membership does come with some strings attached. EYAA strives to provide quality athletic programs to Epsom kids. We also do our best to keep the registration cost down. In order for this trend to continue, we need your participation and commitment. EYAA is a non-profit organization. Administration, coaching, fundraising, field maintenance & improvements are all volunteer based opportunities that we need our members to be involved with. Mom's & Dad's, a little nervous to coach? That's o.k. There are many ways to get involved in an organization that benefits your child. Field maintenance is a great way to get the family up and going bright and early! It has also proven to promote a good work ethic and community pride in the kids who have assisted in maintaining their hometown fields.

If you would like to get involved, please do not wait to be asked. Just contact an EYAA Board Member and let them know how you would like to contribute to your organization. If you have an interest in jumping in with both feet, or even testing the water, we welcome you to join us at a monthly membership meeting. This will give you an opportunity to meet the Board and see the nuts and bolts of the organization.  Also, if you are new to our organization and the above seems like too big of a step... contact us by email if you would like to get involved. Thanks for your support!

Login and go to the My Account page to see the volunteering options. This background check needs to be completed on an annual basis by any volunteer who plans to be a board member or work directly with kids in our programs.

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